Roe Versus Wade to be Overturned? Dr. Lane’s Thoughts 07105

The U.S. Supreme Court plans to strike down Roe versus Wade, overturning abortion rights, according to a draft majority opinion obtained by Politico. 

For those who do not know, in 1970, Jane Roe (a fictional name used in court documents to protect the plaintiff’s identity) filed a lawsuit against Henry Wade, the district attorney of Dallas County, Texas, where she resided, challenging a Texas law making abortion illegal except by a doctor’s orders to save a woman’s life. In her lawsuit, Roe alleged that the state laws were unconstitutionally vague and abridged her right of personal privacy, protected by the First, Fourth, Fifth, Ninth, and Fourteenth Amendments.

No matter how you feel about abortion – for yourself – you should not have the right to impose your views, your religion, or your feelings onto another woman and her choices.  That is my opinion.  My opinion has nothing to do with having daughters but based on my own ideas of personal sovereignty. 

It is a very slippery slope from telling a woman that she must carry a child she does not want to carry – for any reason – to telling a woman what she must do with her body in other ways.  For example, that she must submit to medical procedures she does not want to be part of that affect only her (vaccines do not count here: failure to immunize yourself puts a burden on others around you because, unlike pregnancy, diseases are infectious), or submit to a life of prostitution (if a man in power desires her then she must submit; in the same way that a pregnancy that she does not want must be continued because legal authorities demand that she stay pregnant or go to prison).

I am sure that I will hear it: you can’t force a woman to submit to prostitution if that is not a role she wants to be part of and that there are laws to defend her from having to submit.  Laws that protect only if they are enforced by the legal authorities. Are you aware that a woman can continue a pregnancy of a non-viable fetus if she choose to (in other words, you can’t force her to get an abortion but you can force her to continue a pregnancy). The law does not force her to submit to one medical procedure but not another one in the same region of her body.

In either case, pregnancy or prostitution, she is being forced to submit to something that she does not want to do by people in positions of authority with the power to punish her for her unwillingness to submit.

The reasoning behind abolishing Roe versus Wade is that the judges want to remove federal oversight and turn the decision over to the states to decide for their citizens.  This doesn’t work: states need the Supreme Court to offer direction and insight; this is pretty much how the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) works.  Even when the rest of the US is not ready for changes, it is the SCOTUS that moves in a direction despite the feelings of the citizens.

Before anyone writes to me that the voices of the anti-abortion movement are being heard and that the court is deciding based on public sentiment I counter: the loudest voices are being heard but not the voices of the many women who are affected.  The Anti-abortion voices are the shrill voices of the unaffected (men and women who are not pregnant) while the voices of the pro-choice are often the voices of women in this predicament and their partners (male and female).

Just to be clear: the SCOTUS cannot overturn Roe versus Wade without having a case before them to decide on.  The SCOTUS cannot change the laws that defend abortion just because they want or feel a certain way or that the ruling from 1973 was decided on poor reasoning of the US Constitution.

I can only think that the SCOTUS wants to get out of the abortion debate and to use its time to decide other matters.

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