Simple Saliva Swab and Early HbA1c Test Predict Diabetes

Simple Saliva Swab and Early HbA1c Test Predict Diabetes

A new saliva test and earlier use of the HbA 1c blood test could pick up type 2 diabetes in high-risk patients earlier than methods in current use, show data from 2 studies.

Both tests could both provide an effective and timelier means of disease detection, precipitating earlier intervention, say the respective researchers.

The first study identifies 1,5 anhydroglucitol (1,5- AG) in the saliva of patients as a possible marker of type 2 diabetes and was carried out by researchers from Weill Cornell Medical College in Qatar (WCMC-Q) and published online last month in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism.

The second, on earlier use of the HbA 1c test, was published online in November 2013 in the European Journal of General Practice by Nataly Lerner, MD, from the Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Israel, and colleagues.

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