So you feel fine so why bother seeing a doctor? 07105

So you feel fine so why bother seeing a doctor?

Usually when things are quiet we can enjoy the sounds that relax us: the rain, walking in the woods, and the sound of a river as we walk along.

That is not the quiet that I want to bring to your attention.  The quiet I need you to pay attention to are the two enemies of my office : high blood pressure and diabetes.

If you are over the age of 40 you should see your doctor at least yearly to find out if you have high blood pressure (over 140/90) or diabetes (sugar in your urine).  These two conditions never feel like anything in the beginning and often well into their destruction of your body and health until they are discovered, long after the worst has occurred.

It does not matter that you do not feel them or that you feel ok – being over 40 can bring these conditions into your life because your body is aging (Dr. Lane’s rules of turning 40: “get your glasses, get your blood pressure pills, get your pants shortened – you are no longer the height noted on your drivers license”)

So, if you feel fine, why should you care?  High blood pressure (aka “The Silent Killer”) puts strain of blood pressure on the organs of the body and wears them out quicker causing the need for repair and replacement of the kidneys, liver, and heart.

Diabetes will take your penis (erectile dysfunction), eyes, nerves of the feet and hands, and kidneys before you realize you have a problem; then, it is too late to save them.  You have a future of ‘foot drop’, dialysis, and thick glasses.

Just to be clear about diabetes. I do not have diabetes so I could eat a bag of sugar and none will show up in my urine.  My body can handle sugar.

For a diabetic, eating a piece of bread will cause sugar to show up in their urine within minutes – their body cannot bring sugar to their cells so the sugar ends up in their urine.  They are eating and their cells are starving!  They need to replace the insulin that your body normally makes and uses to bring sugar into the cells.  Another problem may be that the receptors on the cells do not work correctly to recognize insulin or sugar.

There are about 6 conditions that we call diabetes but they all cause the same problem: the cells are starved of nutrition.  Diabetes is even blamed for some forms of dementia!

Silent is not good.  You should see a doctor every year and take any medications that they prescribe daily no matter how good you feel.  Failure to treat these silent conditions will give you disabilities and age you before your time.

Treating these conditions will allow you to live a long and healthy life.

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