The relationship between hormone therapy and breast cancer (Roizon article) 07105

The relationship between hormone therapy and breast cancer

Recent data supports the benefits if HR is taken for five to 10 years around the time of pre-menopause/menopause — and with a daily low-dose aspirin. But there are always questions about potential drawbacks.

Well, a study in JAMA looked at the use of estrogen by women with a prior hysterectomy and estrogen and medroxyprogesterone acetate (one form of progesterone) by post-menopausal women with a uterus and found that women taking only estrogen saw a significant reduction in breast cancer risk.

Women taking both hormones, however, had a greater risk of breast cancer compared to those on placebo. My add: That was with a very, very poor choice of progesterone; instead try a micronized progestin like Prometrium.

The bottom line: Women with increased risk for breast cancer, who have BRCA1 or 2 genes, who started their periods before age 12 or reached menopause after age 55, who’ve had cancerous or non-cancerous breast disease, should talk with their doctor about their increased breast cancer risk and the risks of adding HT on top of that. 

Those with no preexisting breast cancer risks who want to take both hormones should discuss the risk-benefit ratio with the doctor, too. 

And remember, HR’s major risk is clotting. So, talk to your doc about a daily low-dose aspirin (with a half glass of warm water before and after).

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