Top Six Ways To Stop Bad-Back Attacks 07105


Top Six Ways To Stop Bad-Back Attacks

Sometimes the smallest action — that last twist of the champagne cork on a romantic night, scooping up your grandchild for a smooch — can throw your back out of whack. 

But if you take these back-happy steps to prevent strain, you’ll keep those kisses coming.

1. Pretend you’re in a bar. When you have to stand for a while, don’t just stand there. Prop one foot up on a low stool or a phone book, the way you do on the rail when you belly up to a bar.

2. Get sole-savvy. Wear low, comfy shoes with shock-absorbing rubber or crepe soles; they soften the impact as you walk.

3. Tighten your abs. These core muscles are nature’s girdle, providing the support and strength needed to prevent back injuries. Pilates, crunches and holding a push-up position will do the trick.

4. Walk away from the computer. Get up and move every hour to prevent stiffness. Prop your feet on the desk (knees higher than your hips) when the boss isn’t looking.

5. Be smart about lifting heavy objects. Never bend over to pick up something weighty. Squat down, knees bent, back straight. To lift, tighten your abs, then push up with your legs. Really smart? Ask friends to help.

6. Assume the best sleep position. For the least back strain, lie on your side, legs comfortably bent, with a pillow between your knees. You have to sleep lying on your back? Place a pillow beneath your knees.

The YOU Docs, Mehmet Oz and Mike Roizen

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