Two That Do Great Things For Your Vision

Two That Do Great Things For Your Vision

Researchers from the Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary in Boston found out 17 years ago  that specific carotenoids, namely lutein and zeaxanthin, were most strongly associated with a reduced risk for age-related macular degeneration (AMD).  Both carotenoids have yellow pigments, though they are found primarily in dark green, leafy vegetables, as well as broccoli, brussels sprouts, zucchini and even eggs.

Since that breakthrough study, researchers have been studying the effect of lutein and/or zeaxanthin on a wide range of eye conditions, with most of the focus centered on macular and retinal disorders.

Lutein and zeaxanthin have a very specific impact. The macula, or more specifically the macular pigment, contains three carotenoids, including lutein and zeaxanthin. (The third is meso-zeaxanthin.)

In the case of macular degeneration, the macula starts to deteriorate or break down. As a result, you can experience blurriness or darkness in the center of your vision. While it does not lead to total blindness, it does severely limit your vision while only keeping your peripheral vision intact.

While many studies have looked at both carotenoids together, dietary intake of one or the other, or their overall effect on macular health, few have looked at why these carotenoids have the effect they do.

Researchers concluded, “Supplementation of antioxidants containing 6 mg of lutein may be insufficient to increase the [macular pigment optical density] level, however, it may improve visual function such as contrast sensitivity and retinal sensitivity.”

Get Your Green Leafies

While this study raised more questions than it may have answered, there is no doubt that eating foods that contain lutein (and zeaxanthin) can help prevent macular degeneration (not to mention cardiovascular disease and diabetes).

So load up on that spinach, and other greens like leaf lettuce, kale and broccoli. You can top with a hard-boiled egg for good measure. And if you like the idea of using a supplement to boost your eye health, choose one with at least 6 mg of lutein to help boost contrast and retinal sensitivity.


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