Vaping can lead to diabetes. 07105

Vaping can lead to diabetes.

Vaping is just smoking under a different name.

A recent study identified a whole new risk associated with vaping: prediabetes! When researchers looked at data on 600,000 adults — 29% of whom were younger than 35 — they found that current e-cigarette users had a 20% increased risk of prediabetes compared with folks who had never vaped. That’s probably due to the bodywide inflammation and consequent insulin resistance that vaping causes.

Why does this matter? It’s “pre,” after all. Well, prediabetes comes with a full menu of health risks, including heart disease, stroke, cancer, dementia, skin aging and increased wrinkles, erectile dysfunction and full-blown diabetes with all its nerve, vision, kidney, heart and brain complications. A study in BMJ found that prediabetes was associated with a 13% increase in risk of all-cause mortality and a 15% increased risk of cardiovascular disease over 10 years.

Around 96 million Americans already have prediabetes — and many teens and young adults are now at increased risk for the condition because of vaping. About 63% of vapers who have never smoked tobacco are 18-24. So, if you’re not vaping — don’t start. And if you are vaping and are addicted to the nicotine or habituated to the flavors, check out; search for “How to Quit Vaping.”

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