Walnuts Linked to Improved Attention, Psychological Maturity in Teens

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Walnuts Linked to Improved Attention, Psychological Maturity in Teens

Walnuts have been associated with better cognitive development and psychological maturation in teens, new research shows.

Adolescents who consumed walnuts for at least 100 days showed improved sustained attention and fluid intelligence as well as a reduction in symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) compared with matched controls who did not consume the nuts. However, there were no statistically significant changes between the groups in other parameters, such as working memory and executive function.

Clinicians should advise adolescents “to eat a handful of walnuts three times a week for the rest of their lives. They may have a healthier brain with better cognitive function,” senior investigator Jordi Julvez, PhD, group leader at the Institute of Health Research Pere Virgili and associated researcher at the Barcelona Institute for Global Health, told Medscape Medical News.

The study was published online April 6 in Lancet Discovery Science (eClinicalMedicine).

Rich Source of Omega-3s

Adolescence is “a period of refinement of brain connectivity and complex behaviors,” the investigators note.  

Previous research suggests polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) are key in central nervous system architecture and function during times of neural development, with three specific PUFAs playing an “essential developmental role.”

Two omega-3 fatty acids — docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) — are PUFAs that must be obtained through diet, mainly from seafood. Walnuts are “among the richest sources” of plant-derived omega-3 fatty acids, particularly alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), a precursor for longer-chain EPA and DHA.

Lancet Discovery Science (eClinicalMedicine). Published online April 6, 2023. Full text

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