What Is the Clinical Course of Low Back Pain?

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What Is the Clinical Course of Low Back Pain?

Patients with back pain that has persisted for less than 12 weeks have a high probability of substantial pain reduction over time, but patients with back pain that has persisted for 12 or more weeks have a lower chance of improvement, new data suggest.

In a systematic review and meta-analysis of 95 studies, pain score decreased by 35 points on a 100-point scale from baseline to 52 weeks among patients with acute pain (ie, pain lasting for less than 6 weeks). Patients with persistent pain (ie, pain lasting for more than 12 weeks but less than 52 weeks) had smaller improvements at 52 weeks, however. 

“The outcomes for acute pain are better than we thought they were,” study author Lorimer Moseley, AO, DSc, PhD, professor of clinical neurosciences and chair of physiotherapy at the University of South Australia in Adelaide, told Medscape Medical News. 

The study was published on January 22, 2024, in the Canadian Medical Association Journal. 

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