What You Eat Matters To Your Health

Earlier in these blogs I have noted many times that I know about the Western diet is making us all sicker than we should be and making it more difficult to heal from injuries. As your chiropractor (or maybe your chiropractor someday)  I believe in whole body wellness.  I strive to live this way in my daily life and pass that message on to my patients and readers.  I strive to align your body so your nervous system works at peak efficiency and potential.

When you pair a properly working nervous system with a healthy diet you have given yourself your greatest chance for a long and healthy life.  This article explores the Paleo diet which is as good a place as any for people to start following a regimen of good eating.

What You Eat Matters To Your Health

I am a writer by trade (as we see from this blog).  It’s amazing what you can do when you are passionate about something.  I have a ridiculous amount of passion about a couple of things.  I’m passionate about my supportive family and I’m passionate about eating whole, real foods, also known as The Paleo Diet.  I sometimes think I’m “just a husband and a doctor” but I am also a person who follows his diet – in that way I can also be considered a role model and leader.
it's better than this!
How has a person even heard about the Paleo Diet? How does a person hear about Chiropractic?  Usually from their friends and community.  I learned the basics of the Paleo diet by my desire to be a great doctor. The premise of the “diet” was simple enough: eat whole real non-processed foods most of the time. I got a food list and with a head full of steam I jumped in with both feet. AKA, I went full-on Paleo!  
For 42 years I’d eaten a SAD diet (Standard American Diet) and surely the transition to this way of eating would be a HUGE challenge, right? NOT EVEN A LITTLE. It was one of the easiest things I’ve ever done. The minute I realized how good I can feel physically AND mentally when I eat clean, I never wanted to eat trashy food again. Adopting a Paleo diet didn’t just help me lose weight, it changed my life. I felt good. Really good. Probably for the first time in my life. I’m healthier, fitter and have more energy now than I did as a teenager. And now fast forward 4 years and my wife and I live this lifestyle every day. We are well, we are happy, and we are in control of our lives and our health. It takes some work, a little planning ahead and some budgeting, but we are living proof that it IS possible to adopt and maintain a Paleo lifestyle.
The one and only person responsible for what goes into YOUR body is YOU. Take control of your diet and you take control of your health. Take control of your health and you take control of your LIFE. 
Don’t let your efforts to achieve true healing and optimal health be wasted on eating a poor diet. You’re already headed in the right direction. Chiropractic works to fix the problem not just treat the symptoms. When you combine the effect of these measures with what the Paleo diet can do, you are close to perfection in caring for your health. Really, that’s what we want isn’t it? Health. Life. Living. Thriving.
What I’ve learned since transitioning to a Paleo diet: What you eat matters, it just does. What you eat affects your health and how you feel. You don’t have to believe it or buy into it, it’s just a fact. It does. What you DO have to “believe” is that you CAN make a different choice. Believing; that is the first step. Believing that you have the power to determine your health is where you need to start. There is a BIG problem in this country. You don’t have to be a doctor or scientist to see it; you just have to look around. 
People are over-weight, over-stressed, over-medicated and unhappy. People are SICK and they are getting sicker and sicker every day. They go to the conventional doctors complaining about feeling awful, get a diagnosis, get a pill and go home expecting to get better. 
Unfortunately, they don’t get better. A lot of times they get worse. They almost never address what foods they are putting into their bodies. We eat 3-5 times a day, 365 days a year. To believe that this has no effect on our health is just ridiculous in my opinion. What we eat not only affects our health, I believe it determines our health.
Do I expect you to “go Paleo?” No.  Do I want you to disrupt your life to do what I do? No.
What I want for each of you is to adopt one better habit a week – eat more of the foods I mention in these blogs, or add 15 minutes more exercise to your day, or stop eating what you know is bad for you.
Just one.  Each week.  Add each one and in a month you have accumulated 4 better habits.  Once you start you will feel better, you will move better.
Then, you will never go back to your former habits because you will realize that doing this “selfish” behavior (remember, this is just for you, so you are being “selfish”) makes you a better parent, spouse, friend, lover, colleague, and employee or employer.

via Blogger http://chiropractic-lane.blogspot.com/2013/09/what-you-eat-matters-to-your-health.html