Women should get THERMOGRAMS as well as mammograms

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Women should get THERMOGRAMS as well as mammograms

Women should take command of their bodies and include thermograms as part of their breast health regimen.
You don’t have to wait for your gynecologist or primary doctor to suggest it. Chances are, they know nothing about this continually improving imaging technology. It’s had lousy PR ever since it was approved by the FDA in 1982. Maybe because it’s simply not part of the billion-dollar cancer industry. Maybe if it had a color of its own.
Breast thermography — using a digital infrared camera — is safe, effective, involves no radiation or squishing of the breast, and is evolving as a super-important risk-assessment tool for the early detection of breast cancer.
And early detection is everything. “When treated in its earliest stages, most breast cancer has a cure rate of 95 percent,” says Dr. Kathryn Ater, a doctor of Oriental medicine.
Her mission is simply stated on her Two Birds Thermography website: To help women take care of themselves.
“You are the one who decides when and how you’re going to monitor your breast health,” says Ater, who’s been analyzing thermograms for more than 10 years. “Thermography is a tool. It’s a piece of the puzzle that we can offer to help find abnormalities in the breast tissue before abnormal growth begins.”
Mammograms — and I’m not going to get into all the pros and cons that have women so confused — are simply not useful for early detection.

via Blogger http://bit.ly/1MR7aBY